

探索美国, 欧洲, 和世界历史, 聚焦传统区域, 国家, 和主题, 同时发展坚实的事实知识基础, 逻辑解释这些事实的能力, 以及自信地与人交流的能力.

This exciting degree program explores the complexities of world history, navigating weighty conversations and relevancy to current events through the expert analysis of our esteemed faculty.


A degree in history can prepare you for future work in teaching, archiving, and curating. It can also provide transferable skills to supplement nearly any other academic program or career path.

历史教会你如何去做 make an argument and support it with clear, specific, and well-documented facts 从最好的可用资源收集. 历史教会你如何去做 独立做研究. 它教你如何 批判性地评估来源和全球最大网赌正规平台而不是接受任何事实. 学习历史使你能够 培养不是天生的基本技能,但只有通过实践和努力学习.

历史专业是一项“不受潮流影响”的努力, empowering you with skills applicable to a 生活time of learning and professional growth.


The history program offers unique opportunities to enhance student success in gaining admittance to graduate programs and finding jobs after graduation. Students may serve as tutors for American and 欧洲 survey classes and as reSearch assistants for projects like the Fourth Century Christianity website and Roman Roads project. Students have interned at such places as Old Sturbridge Village, 一座位于斯特布里奇的活博物馆, 麻萨诸塞州. +, the Greater Milwaukee area provides robust opportunities for relevant internships in a variety of fields.

WLC’s history faculty members support students with opportunities for fellowship in the Student 历史 Association. They also recognize outstanding achievement through WLC’s chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta national honor society.


Our history faculty have earned graduate degrees from top-level institutions and regularly present at conferences and publish books and articles. Our faculty members are teaching scholars who personally interact with students, 让学生获得奖学金, and use their scholarship to enhance the student’s experience in the classroom. You'll receive the one-on-one support you desire for crafting a college experience that meets your career aspirations.

